Library founded in 1957.
The CIRA library houses works on the anarchist movement, its history and philosophy in all languages: books and pamphlets, periodicals, academic researches, manuscripts and archives. It also collects illustrations (photos, postcards, posters, reproductions of works of art, etc.), films and audio material on cassettes and CDs.
The library is open Tuesday to Friday from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. or by appointment. An annual readers card costs 40 Swiss francs or 40 Euros. Recent books and brochures may be taken out on loan from the library, by mail. Ancient or rare books, as well as cassettes and CDs may not be loaned out but copies may be provided.
The library publishes a yearly Bulletin with a list of recent acquisitions and informations about researches in progress, meetings and other items of interest.